

I used to hang in a channel called Yaje, at the Star Link. The name was really a weird one, which must have been why we chose it. We brain stormed and it appeared. I think I must have gotten it from that old episode of the X Files, the one where Mulder and Scully bumps into the Yaje-drinking magicians. The tincture that would give you animal senses, or perhaps even turn you into wild cats. Yage, I think it’s spellt in America. William Burroughs wrote a book about it. Of course I didn’t know till far later.

We all have our sacred spirits to honor, revere and treasure. Whether you choose to call it love, caring, friendship or Yaje, it must really be the same thing. It's like when different people believe in different Gods, have different culture and speak different languages - if one should take it to a more profound level we are not that different. We all want respect, love compassion. But we'd probably show it in a rainbow of ways.

This was some of what Yaje meant too me, just a free word, lacking a meaning (I thought) so I gave it one. I’m not sure whether Flash or Barbi, or any of the other guys and gals ever agreed on my interpretation . I suppose it was just my personal Yaje — the one you never share.
    The spirits fascinated me. The Indian spirits of the dead, I liked the idea of having the old people protecting you. Not that I know much of Indian culture. But what if I have some old spirit of my ancestor, guarding over me or doing me well. I’ve had that thought, but in the end I always return to that we all need to believe. Though the thought, that would totally change the view on death. That is, if you never die.

The word does not really mean anyhting — it's just a word — but perhaps the feelings does. Let's say Yaje is a sacred spirit, to guard over us all. If you like. Or make it something else.


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