Gabriel Desecrated Beauty

The sparkling butterfly fought for its life, feverish flapping, trying to get out of the mud raised by a playful puppy which wanted to play. Attracted by the bright colors of her wings it tried to catch her, unconscious of that he only was pushing her deeper into the mud. The fragile creature made a last attempt for freedom and then gave up her breath. The puppy gave a brief whining over its accidental deed and then walked away in search of new adventures.

"C'mon babe, you know what we want," one of the men said, pushing Annie farther down the alley.
    There were three of them and one was holding a knife. The knife gleamed in the pale moonlight, revealing the sharp edge thirsting for blood. The knife was all Annie could see as she pushed deeper and deeper into the alley, by the violators hungering for her body.
    "C'mon darling, we don't wanna hurt ya," the man with the knife said putting on a playful grin. "We just want what's commin' to us. You know how we do it. So if you're here you're ours."
    "Leave me alone!" Annie cried huddled against the cold wall as the alley ceased. "What do you want from me?"
    "Oh, I'll show ya what we want," the third man said caressing her figure. "And I'm sure ya'll find it bearable. At least I will," he laughed.
    Annie tried to focus on something else, trying to pretend this wasn't really happening, but she couldn't. She just couldn't shut out reality.
    "Take it easy now," the knife holder warned, putting the cold steel blade to her cheek, "just take it real easy now and none will get hurt. He let the knife slowly slide along her smooth cheek, past her filly well-shaped lips and down her throat, leaving a subtle, red stripe of life.
    The pain never occurred. It never occurred to her to scream into the forgetting night or to beg her committers for the justice of freedom, she just didn't thought she would ever be able to untangle from the powerful web and once more taste the sweetness of freedom. Giving up her breath she knew justice did not exist, and never had.
    "Fuck it!" the man holding the knife exclaimed as the lifeless body fell to the ground during his improvised blade show. "Of all the moments the bitch chooses to pass out now."
    "Maybe you cut an important nerve or somethin'," one of his friends suggested.
    "Fuck ya, Bill, you don't even know what a nerve is."
    "The third man put his hand on her throat to check her pulse. "She's dead."
    "What ya mean dead?"
    "What I mean is that the bitch isn't fucking breathing. I told ya to lay of that knife thing of yours."
    "I bearly touched her. She bearly even bleeds. I was just scaring her so she'd keep calm ya know."
    "Well, she's pretty calm now."
    "Perhaps she died of the shock."
    "Oh, shut up Bill!"
    "Well, I'm outta here. We're in deep shit if someone finds out. I just new ya where going to get me in trouble."

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