On a Rainy Day... (a lot of bizarre thoughts passes ones mind)

It's raining.
     Just a few minutes ago I discovered a bizzare bug in my Adobe Photoshop - I can't use any font smaller than 288 (!) - it wasn't there before so I suspect a virus. Suddenly I have a grudge to all those hackers and crackers - or whatever they want to call themselves - who spend hours in front of their computers just to create and distribute computer viruses.
     Of course there's always a way to stay clean from this lil' wicked diseases. But only one way - which I know of - that works really good. Unfortunately it is also the boring way; simply don't download anything at all and never ever use a disk which has been in another computer.
     This is the same as asking one to live in celibate. Some of us can manage, but most of us won't. What we need is a Cyber-Condom! Just slip it on and net-safe.
     It's easy. It's simple. And it only costs you five bucks!

Speaking about sex... that's what some of my fellow-workers are doing quiet a lot. Which actually surprises me. Some of them must be at least over forty, not that I'm saying all people over forty shouldn't have sex, please don't misunderstand me, but what I'm trying to say is that this "grown up" people are acting more like teenagers than grown ups. And I love it! There's a kid in all of us. Let yours out!
     But isn't this sex thing a bit of taboo? Can we really speak open about sex?
     Of course they didn't sit at the ten minutes break and scream "fuck" and "pussy" in the air. They were a bit more discreet than that. I'm not going to pull up the whole story now, but let's just say that when they said "ride" they weren't talking horses.

Everyday as I got to work I read a newspaper at the subway. It is called Metro and is distributed for free to all the subway travelers. Every single day as I open this paper there's some article telling me that there's a war somewhere out there. Or that somebody has been killed. Or, abused or raped.
      It suddenly struck me how easy it is to forget how lucky those of us are who has never seen a war. Who has never been beaten or abused.
      It's always easy to forget.

When I read about misseries and wars everyday it sort of wears me out. I just throw a quick glance at the article and certify: Yes, there's still a war down there... won't it ever end? And as I turn the page I have soon forgotten it; till I open the paper the next day and certify once again: Yes, there is still a war...

I saw a bag-lady today. If this had been New York, maybe I wouldn't even had twitched my eye. But in Stockholm this is something very rare. Sure we've got homeless here too, just that I've never seen a homeless person in Stockholm in whole my life. Not like this anyway.
     She was slowly pushing her overfilled wagon down the street. Covered in rags she were. It was raining. I wondered if she noticed.
     She threw a quick glance at me as I passed her and I saw that she was wearing slippers. The poor lady didn't even have shoes.
     As I continued down the street I could feel her look stabbing like a knife in my back. I should have turned around. Walked back and given her some money at least. For God's sake this woman didn't even have anywhere to take cover from the rain. She was probably both cold, wet and hungry.
     But I didn't turn around. And I didn't look back. Don't ask me why, because I don't know. I continued down the street and soon I had forgotten all about it.
     It was still raining from a sky overcast.
